Whole Wheat Biscuits


The Perfect Biscuit


  • cups whole wheat flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 6 Tablespoons oil
  • 2/3 cup milk




1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
In a large mixing bowl, add the flour, salt and baking powder & mix to combine.
2. Cut/mix/crumble oil into flour mixture until it resembles coarse meal. 
3. Add milk and knead until soft dough forms. 
4. Roll out dough until thickness is about 3/4″ & cut into 2″ shapes. I like to have fun with cookie cutters here. Sometimes I’m just in a hurry so I just roll them into balls and flatten them… Like I did in the picture above. 
5. Place 2″ apart on lightly greased baking sheet.
6. Bake 10-12 mins. I like them hot with butter… Sometimes a little drizzle of honey & sprinkle of cinnamon.
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